Monday, 18 March 2019

Christian Fishy

Another very early card for me.. early noughties. The shape of this metal fishy reminded me of the shape of the Christian fish symbol. It's layered onto blue pearl cardstock and then onto silver mirror card, then blue again... like water.. ya know. I used one of those tracing wheels they use in haberdashery for the pin prick lines, and an eyelet for holding the beaded threads.

Do you know why Christians use a fish symbol? Here's the story as I understand it... Back in the early days AD, when the Christians were being persecuted (as many still are), they would use the fish symbol as a secret sign to each other, like 'Christians R Here'. Apparently, and I don't know much of the Greek language, so I don't know if this is true, but I'm told that the Greek letters that make up 'Ichthys' form an acronym: Jesus Christ, God's Son, Saviour. See? Now you don't have to Google it. If you were going to.

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