Just wanted to say thank you again for your patience and support while I've been 'off the air'! *lol* Have received some lovely emails, too, and comments on Facebook. I'm sorry if you're still waiting for a reply! I thought things would relax a bit after getting the job offer, but oh noooooooooo!! I still have another month to do on my old job, and had pretty much run out of things to do so was coasting and not doing much except job-hunting. Thought I would be virtually 'on gardening leave' for the last month, but not a chance! Have been given a whole bunch of other stuff to do. Not that I am compaining. They're entitled, and I still count my blessings every day that I HAVE a job in this climate, and still pinching myself that I managed to find another one to go on to.. an even BETTER one! Hallelujah! :o)
Just wanted to say thank you again for your patience and support while I've been 'off the air'! *lol* Have received some lovely emails, too, and comments on Facebook. I'm sorry if you're still waiting for a reply! I thought things would relax a bit after getting the job offer, but oh noooooooooo!! I still have another month to do on my old job, and had pretty much run out of things to do so was coasting and not doing much except job-hunting. Thought I would be virtually 'on gardening leave' for the last month, but not a chance! Have been given a whole bunch of other stuff to do. Not that I am compaining. They're entitled, and I still count my blessings every day that I HAVE a job in this climate, and still pinching myself that I managed to find another one to go on to.. an even BETTER one! Hallelujah! :o)
So.. my thanks again. Please bear with me.. I WILL get round to replying soon, I promise!
Welcome back Chris lovely to see you..
Sue B xx
Mojo mojo-ing well I think. This is just lovely!
Lesley x
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