This handsome chap is my Great Grandad, William, in his WWI uniform...

I'm sure most of you know, but for those that don't.. Right click on the picture and select 'Save picture as..', then choose where on your computer you want to save it to, and give it a filename.
This is a family photo, so personal use only, please, and please link back to my blog if you display any creations using it. (And please send me a link, too, so I can come and have a nose!) ;o) If you do take it, please be kind and leave me a comment.
Please do not display the photo itself on your blog, or offer it as a freebie, except by providing a link to this post, and do not offer it for sale in any form.
Many thanks.
Hi Chris
Oh I love old photographs and have gained hundreds of them when clearing out my late MIL's house.
How sad that we don't know who half of the people are!
This one of your Great Grandad is wonderful - how kind of you to share him with the world!
I hope your life gets less stressful - and SOON.
Have a good weekend.
Love Jules xx
Just a fantastic photograph! Thank you for sharing him with us! My Granny was showing me her photographs at the weekend and they were just wonderful, going back 100 years - I just love old photographs.
Hope you are doing ok and things are calming down for you. Have a fluffy weekend ;) Kim
What a great picture Chris, I ahve some similar of the males in my family. There is definately something lovely about how they posed for photos that is sadly lacking in today snaps.
B x
What a wonderful photo Chris and especially as you know who it is. It appears to be in exceptionally good condition and would be brilliant for image transfer.
Lesley Xx
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