I may develop that idea further. Whilst not being a brilliant artist, I have a few sketches that I could smarten up and add to the 'catalogue', lol! (Sounds very grand, eh?) And I might try and sell some cards, etc. I have my CD-Roms that I developed a while back, and I can build on that, too.
So.. it's a little bit sparse in terms of items for sale, but I have overhauled my 'Flog' HERE, and added Gilbert for sale.
What do you think? Any feedback would be very welcome.

Good luck with your sales...Gilbert is so cool!!!
bye bye,Lean.
I think folk would be happy to buy him he's soooo cute
Good idea to start diversifying! Good luck with it and get those sketches up and running as digi stamps. (How do you do that by the way- from bemused of Exeter!)
Lesley x
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