My idea is to sell ten extra of the CD-Rom I developed some years ago, which I currently sell on Ebay (occasionally). If I can sell another ten CDs on top of the handfull that sell on Ebay, my production costs will be covered by the £10 (not counting the time it took to develop the CD in the first place!). All the proceeds ~ 100% ~ will then go back to the Papworth Trust.
It's a wedding stationery CD, developed for bridal couples to enable them to have a suite of beautifully handcrafted wedding stationery (the works.. not just invitations), but at a fraction of the cost by guiding them through making their own.. whether or not they have ever made anything like this before.
There are 100 wedding stationery 'recipe-style' design projects on the CD, with photos, lists of tools and materials required (and where to get them), full step-by-step instructions (in simple, non-crafty jargon terms), tips, inserts, and various other bits 'n'pieces.
The CD has a front-end menu that launches automatically, and is as professional as any you'll buy from the telly!
99% of the files are Adobe PDF format, except the inserts. I have left them in Word format so they can be edited. Because of that, the formatting depends on your having the same fonts and margin settings on your computer, so I have included those as a free bonus, rather than rolling them into the price.
Speaking of which, the cost is £9.99 (free P&P).
Would make a great present for anyone you know who is thinking of getting married, and even if they're not thinking of making their own invitations, it would be useful as a catalogue of ideas to trigger their own inspiration.
If you buy it by contacting me through my blog (and NOT through Ebay), 100% of the proceeds will all go to Papworth Trust. Once I have met my target of selling ten extra CDs, I will let you know. (The deadline is 31st December.)
Equally, if anyone would like to make a donation to the Trust without buying a CD, you can either do so directly (which would be great, as you could do it through Giftaid and incease the value of your gift), or you could send it to me and I will make sure it gets passed on.
Payments and donations can be made to me through Paypal or (uncrossed) postal order. Drop me a line, and I will send you the details.
For more information about the wonderful and broad ranging work that Papworth Trust do for people with disabilities, you can visit their website HERE.
Many thanks, and wish me luck! Ten CDs in three months. Hope I can do it! It will turn that £10 into £100.

P.S. For any one making stationery for the wedding market, I am quite happy for you to use the designs for inspiration, or even copy them directly (by hand), just as long as you don't use my photos in your promotional materials, Ebay listings, etc, and don't reproduce any part of the CD in any format. Also, please note that the CD may not be transferred or resold. (That applies to everyone, not just wedding crafters.)
Hi Chris, what a brilliant idea. Count me in, I'll buy one from you, and I wish you every success. I'm sure you'll do well, I'll see if I can get any more buyers for you too.
Hi Chris
Fantastic idea, sure you will sell more than you antisipate and people are always looking for wedding ideas. And here is a perfect channel.
B x
Hi Chris,
What a wonderful idea this is to raise money for such a worthy cause. Please keep us a posted as to how you get on with selling your CD's. No weddings coming up that I know of but I'll be sure pass on the message if I hear of any.
Thanks too for your kind words on my blog. I'm always up for a Christmas card swap LOL - email me if you;d like to.
Lesley x
Hi Chris i would like to purchase one of your wedding Cd's not sure how to go about it. can you help?
sue B x
Hi again Chris I've managed to put a link On my blog... hope I've done it right!Good luck with the challenge
Sue B x
Hello Chris,
Just wanted to leave a comment to say I received my copy of your lovely Wedding Invitations cd. There is some wonderful inspiration on there and for anyone who has never crafted before but wants to make their own Wedding Stationery the cd is full of useful tips and helpful information.
I wish you luck with your challenge and sincerely hope you reach your target.
Lesley Xx
Thanks, Lesley! Very glad you're pleased. :o)
Chris xx
Hi Chris
This sounds wonderful.
I would love to purchase one of your CDs - please let me know what I need to do to get my pennies to you.
Great idea.
Hope you manage to sell some more too.
Love Jules
Hi Chris, read about this cd through Jules lovely blog and I would love to buy the cd. Can you let me know how to go about it. Hugs
My daughter is getting married next year and I am going to make the invitations. This would be helpful and for a good cause! Pleas e-mail me!
I would like to buy one of your wedding CD's and help you with your charity efforts. Please let me know what to do. I think it is an amazing idea.
Hi Chris
What a wonderful cause. I would like to purchase your CD. Could you pls email your details so that I can send you the money. Thanks. Val
Hi Chris
Could you please let me know how to buy one of your The Wedding CD's, It looks great and for a good cause.
Hi, Linda..
There isn't an email link on your profile, so I hope you come back and see this note! :o) It's very good of you to offer to buy one of my CDs for the Papworth Trust's staff challenge. Thank you! :o) I thought the last two had sold, but neither person followed up, so they're still available.
Right.. details for payment follow. There are a number of options..
1. You can pay Papworth directly on-line by card by going to THIS link.. (There is a comments page, apparently, and it would be helpful if you could say this is a donation for Christine Fraser's £10 Challenge, so they know what accounting 'pot' to put it in. If you choose this method, please forward on to me the receipt they'll send you, and I'll get your CD to you.)
2. Alternatively, you could pay me by Paypal to veritycrafts@btinternet.com,
3. You can also pay by cheque (payable to Papworth Trust) or by postal order. Please email me at craftling@btinternet.com for my address.
Oh, and don't forget to let me have your address to send the CD to.
Let me know what you decide, and soon as you've made your payment, I'll get your CD posted.
Thanks again, and MERRY CHRISTMAS! :o)
Chris xx
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