There are rules, as usual, and here they are...
1. Thank the person who presented this award. (Thank you, Lorraine!)2. Copy the logo & place it on your blog. (Done.)3. Link the person who nominated you for this blog. (Done.)4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may find interesting. (Yikes! I'll try.)5. Nominate 7 Creative Bloggers. (Now this is the part I find difficult... not finding them.. there are soooo many! But narrowing it down!)
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
7. Leave comments on all 7 blogs letting them know you have nominated them. (Forgive me, but I'm going to opt out of rules five, six and seven, rebel without a clue that I am, and just invite anyone who has taken the time to visit my blog to snag this if you fancy it.)
7 "Interesting" Facts about me... (cough)
1. I am a Christian. Personally, I think that's the most interesting thing there could ever be about anyone, but I know that others may have a different view! lol ;o)
2. I have a beautiful daughter who will be 29 on Thursday. Watching her develop into the young woman she is and encounter the obstacles in life we all have to overcome has been the most fascinating and frustrating... delightful and tormenting... on-going journey in my life!
3. My father was in the RAF and we moved around a great deal as I was growing up. Born in Germany, lived two years in Holland, lived two years in Aden in the middle East, lived three years in Morayshire in Scotland, and lots of places around England.
4. I spent around 20 years of my career as a sales rep in the software industry, selling software packages worth millions of pounds to the top companies in the UK across all sectors, until I got tired of the hours and the miles.
5. As a child, for a while, we lived in Surrey, and my dad signed me up for ice-skating lessons at Richmond where Arnold Gershweiler and Betty Calloway were senior instructors. We were there every Saturday morning at 8.00am for lessons before it opened for general skating. When I completed my course, I received a certificate of skating proficiency signed by Betty Calloway, who went on to be Torvill & Dean's coach in their heyday.
6. I got a B in my Art 'O' level!
7. I have had breast cancer on both sides (diagnoses in 2001 and 2008), had a double mastectomy and am cancer-free 18 mths after the op. Very happy to talk about it if ever anyone wants to ask me about it.
Flippin' 'eck! That was HAAAARD!! I hope I haven't bored you to tears, and those who've known me a little while will already know some of those things, but it's tough trying to think up new material when you haven't led a particularly interesting life!
But although it's not been a thrilling rollercoaster, I am happy, and I am grateful for it all. (OK.. you can reach for that bucket now! ;o)

So lovely to read some more about your life & for overcoming breast cancer on both occassions... this is something you really should share as you could help someone else with their battle...
Can you drop me an email with your address so I can send your daughter a birthday card too.
Extra big hugs for you today
Lorraine xxx
you know, you never bore me missus.
Julia x
Wauw all you have to do to get your award....ppfffff.But i read you story[no bucket]and love the way you are writing it down.I no now somthing more about you ,Thanks.
greetings from a sunny holland,Lean
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