If you recognise it and you know what it's called or who it's by, please would leave me a comment? I'll send the first person who replies with enough info for me to find it some stamped images from it. (Or if you have it already, I'll send some of my other stamp images.)
Thank you! :o)
Thank you, Brenda, for the info. I have spent hours this afternoon trawling through websites where I thought she might be found... Stamp Francisco, Stampland Chicago, Lost Coast, Third Coast, coast to coast, Split Coast and all points in between, lol!! And then Brenda's message arrived, and with the maker and serial number, I was able to find the name of the stamp through Google... but nowhere that has it available. In desperation, I tried Addicted to Rubber Stamps, and sure enough.. there she was.... discontinued!!! Waaaaahhhhh!! :o(
My last resort is to post a 'Want It Now' post on Ebay, offering cash for the stamp or, failing that, some stamped images.
Fingers crossed.

Hi Chris, yes I do recognise the stamp, it's from Rubber Stampede number 3729H. It's a gorgous image, I've had it some years so no idea if it's still available but a google search should soon tell you. She stamps beautifully into UTEE, did that at a demo a few weeks back and it got a real wow.
Have a good weekend.
B x
YUP you are an addicted stamper. Just like the rest of us.(lol) Your cards are fabulous!
another Chris
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