Friday, 15 August 2008

Free the Blogs!!

Why turn it off?

  • Word Verification is a pain.. drives most bloggers potty with frustration, and many abstain from leaving comments where WV is enabled.
  • It prevents the visually impaired from participating in the blogging community as screen scanners cannot read the Captcha.
  • It is not necessary on personal blogs.
  • It is not 100% reliable in preventing spam.
  • Comment Moderation, however, IS reliable because it traps ALL comments before they get to your blog. AND it doesn't hinder your visitors from leaving comments.
Switching to comment moderation is not only the sensible, more effective alternative, but it is the considerate, courteous and respectful thing to do for visitors to your blog.

To see what other bloggers have to say on the topic, take a read through the comments on THIS post and THIS one.
How do I check if I have it on my blog?

To see if you have Word Verification on your blog, go to 'Settings', then 'Comments' and scroll down to the "Show word verification for comments?" option. You will either have 'Yes' or 'No' checked.

How do I switch it off?

Having checked whether or not you have it, just select the option that applies to you. (Please make it 'no'!)

It takes seconds to make a change that your visitors will thank you for. While you're there, scroll up the page a bit and make sure you click 'Always' on Comment Moderation.

Simple! :o)


Unknown said...

Thank you for drawing my attention to this problem, I hadn't really thought about it. I immediately changed my settings - now I'm always moderating instead.

WildGoose said...

Hi Christine,
Something for us all to consider...thanks for your post!Had the same thoughts as to visually-impaired readers.... As to the other point on Comment Moderation....I"ve only had an Art blog since April "09; and figured I"d just delete commments; so far, so good!( only deleted my own )!
Another Chris

Amrita said...

I hate wv, it messes up my slow dial connectin too, and I find comment verification upsetting too as it like a pin to a balloon

Chris Arlington said...

thankyou so much. I detest word verification.
I am going to post this on my blog and link back to you